Sierra Vista, Arizona

What It Is Like to Retire in Sierra vista
Sierra Vista is a town in very southern Arizona, not too far from the Mexican town of Nogales. It offers many attractions such as the panoramic views of the natural beauty and grandeur of the Dragoon, Mule and Huachuca Mountains; the Nature Conservancy's Ramsey Canyon Preserve, hummingbird capital of the US; the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area; Chirachahua National Monuments. In nearby Bisbee you can tour the Copper Queen copper mine. Historic Tombstone - "The Town Too Tough to Die" with its infamous "OK Corral"- and historic Fort Huachuca are also nearby. Picture in the public domain of Huachuca Mountains in the Winter courtesy of Wikipedia and Alb8001, picture in the public domain of Sierra Vista with Fort Huachuca in the foreground courtesy of Wikipedia and alb8001. Watch this short Youtube video presented by SierraVistaAZ Business:

Where to Retire in Sierra vista and Home Prices
Zillow reports the median home value to be $285,588 in late 2023.
What Is Special about Sierra vista
Sierra Vista offers beautiful mountain views, sunny weather, a low cost of living, lots of outdoor activities, and historical sites.
What Is Not Special about Sierra vista
Crime rate is above the national average, the nearest large city (Tucson) is about 75 miles away. Sierra Vista is not a walkable community.
Who Will Like Retirement in Sierra vista
Retirees who enjoy the outdoors, birdwatching, hiking and astronomy may like it here.
Local Economy Is Driven by
Fort Huachuca, a U.S. Army installation, is the community's major employer, and half of all jobs here are with the government; Wick Communications, a magazine publishing company, is also located here.
Climate and Physical Environment
January's average temperature is 49 degrees, July's average is 80 degrees.
Restaurants & Cultural Scene
Sierra Vista offers hiking and biking along with Native American sites, bird watching, and is known as a great place for amateur astronomy. The town also has shopping, dining, galleries, museums and an aquatic center. The University of AZ South has a campus here as does Cochise Community College.
Sierra Vista's crime rate is above the national average.
Medical facilities
Canyon Vista Medical Center
Sierra Vista has a transit system; there is a small municipal airport here, and the closest international airport is in Tucson, approximately 70 miles away; Sierra Vista is not considered a walkable community.
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